The Effect of Technical Devices on the World of Humans – The Effect of Humans on Technical Devices!

All processes in the physical world are constituted out of the supersensible. There is an intentional relation from the spiritual world and its creative forces to the level of the elemental beings. As humans beings we take part in these levels – consciously or unconsciously – in a mutual interaction.
The lecture will present perspectives on these relationships and on how they can be grasped and consciously cultivated. Concrete supersensible research examples and exercises will be presented, with an emphasis on the effects of mobile phones and wireless telecommunication.

by Frank Burdich (in English)

Torsdag 6.2.2020 / Klokken 19:30 / Billet 120,-DKK
Velkommen med kaffe og te i det smukke hus fra 19:00

RUC2 – Rudolf Steiner Padagogisk Uddannelsescenter
Esrumvej 269 / 3000 Helsingør